Understanding and Managing Anxiety
Here are some helpful resources for understanding and managing your anxiety:
* NI Direct: Anxiety in adults
* RC Psychiatry: Anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
* MentalHealth.org.uk : How to manage anxiety and fear
* NHS: Self-help - Generalised anxiety disorder in adults
* Minding Your Head: Anxiety
* Depression Cure (Podcast):
Anxiety 101 (Part 1): Why You Feel The Way You Do
Anxiety 101 (Part 2): How To Take Back Control
Get help:
* Directory of local services to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing:
Download PDF: Belfast area | Northern area | South Eastern area
* Minding Your Head: Services Contact information for various local services which offer advice/support on a range of issues that can have an impact on your mental health such as: alcohol, bereavement, disability, drugs, eating disorders, gambling, housing, illness, mental health, money worries, relationships, self-harm, sexuality, stress, suicide, depression and abuse.
* WorryTree is a smartphone app designed to support patients currently undergoing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or waiting for CBT sessions to begin.
* Lifeline Helpline: tel: 0808 808 8000