

Please wear a mask

Posted on 10 August 2020

The Northern Ireland Executive has issued guidance about wearing a mask or face covering in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. This comes into force on 10 August 2020.

The use of face coverings in certain indoor settings, such as shops or shopping centres, is now mandatory. You must also wear a face covering on public transport. This applies to people over the age of 13 years.

In keeping with this guidance, we request that anyone over the age of 13 years visiting the practice wears a face covering.

What to do when visiting the practice

  • Do not visit the practice if you have a new cough, fever (>37.8oC) or a loss of sense of taste or smell.
  • Please put on your face covering before ebtering the building.
  • On arrival, please use the hand sanitiser and check your temperature with the provided no-touch thermometer. if your temeperature is higher than 37.8oC, please leave the building and call the practice by telephone.
  • In the waiting room, please remain at least 2 metres (6 feet) from anybody not in your household.
  • Once yout appointment is over, please leace the practice immediately.

Further information

Further information, including how to make a face covering and the exemptions that will apply is available on the NI Direct website. A small number of people may be exempted from wearing a mask. There is no need to get a letter from a doctor to show that you do not need to wear a face covering.

Do not get a false sense of security about the level of protection provided by wearing a face covering. It is essential that everyone continues to observe social distancing as much as possible, wash their hands thoroughly throughout the day and ‘catch it, kill it, bin it’ when they sneeze or cough. That’s still the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

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