Contact Us

Map of the location of Churchview Medical Practice

Contact Details

Church View Medical practice
Cornerstone Medical Centre
69 Shankill Road
BT13 1FD
Northern Ireland

028 9027 9880

028 9023 3255

Repeat prescription requests: 028 9027 9881  (or click here to place an order online)

GP out-of-hours service: 028 9074 4447

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About this form

Using this form results in the information you enter being sent across the internet. We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of your information. Look for the padlock in the address bar, whoch confirms that the connection to our server is secure.

The server sends an email to our administration team, who then order the prescriptions you need. The information you submit in your request may be retained on our computers and the Northern Ireland Health & Social Care email server.

For more information about how we use your data to provide you with healthcare services, please see our privacy notice. Use of this form confirms your acceptance of the information being used in this way.